Why Does Weight Loss Fail?
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Do you feel your weight loss program is failed? Do you try to lose weight but find it too complicated? Well, you are not alone. Many people struggle to lose weight.
There are so many diet methods that you can try to achieve your ideal weight. However, losing weight can be very challenging.
Sometimes, the result you get is different from what you expected. In fact, you have been on a diet for quite a long time and desperately follow everything but still didn't lose weight.
What do you think about why weight loss fails? Why is it so difficult to lose weight? Please continue to read this article to get more information about the struggle causes of weight loss.
Why Does Weight Loss Fail
People can do crazy only to achieve their ideal body weight. However, many still fail to lose weight. If you think you already did many things but still have no results, then you need to know what is the reason why your body couldn't lose any weight,
Below is the 8 reasons why weight loss fails.
1. Often snacking and consuming sweet things
Did you know that sugary food and drinks cause greater weight gain? Eating cake can sometimes suppress your hunger, but that's only temporary.
After a while, you crave to eat more cake or something else that will lead you to eat more food. And this condition will get worse once you are addicted to sweet beverages.
Sweet beverages like sodas will lead you to constant hunger. Meanwhile, your calorie intake will increase in no time.
2. Not drinking enough water
If you need to lose weight, you probably need to drink more water. Drink 8- 10 glasses of water daily to help lose weight.
Water has no calories, but it can make you feel full without gaining weight. Another bonus is that if you drink a lot of water, the possibility of craving junk food will slowly decrease.
3. Skipping breakfast
Some people think skipping breakfast can cut calorie intake. But skipping breakfast will make you hungry and overeat during lunch.
As a result, incoming calories soar and accumulate in the body. If you want to limit your calorie intake, eat food high in protein and fiber during your breakfast.
This food will last longer and stop you from overeating during lunchtime. Somemore, based on the study, people who eat breakfast tend to have a healthier weight.
4. Lack of exercise
Rarely exercise means the body burns much less fat, and as a result, the body will store more fat, and in the end, the body will gain weight.
Exercise is well-known as a powerful way to help with weight loss. In addition, exercise can also increase muscle mass and make you feel refreshed.
Based on a study held by the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the most effective time to exercise to lose weight is between 225 to 420 minutes per week.
Being consistent is the key to losing weight effectively. Various types of exercise will also affect rapid weight loss, either in men or women.
Generally speaking, aerobic and anaerobic exercise is two types of exercise that have proven to help lose weight very fast.
Some resistance exercise called Aerobic is an exercise that involves almost all of the large muscle groups, like the arms and legs, with some continuous motion and repetitive use.
The body relies more on a continuous oxygen supply to get enough energy while doing aerobics. Some examples of aerobic exercise like Zumba, HIIT, jogging, and cycling.
A bit different from aerobic, anaerobic exercise is short and more intense, like sprinting and weightlifting. This activity focuses on using glucose stored in the body's muscles and changed into energy.
5. Lack of rest or sleep
If you've tried various ways to lose weight but still need to work, it could be that you need to get enough sleep.
Try to reflect on the sleep habit that you have done while you doing the weight loss program. As we know, someone who experiences a lack of sleep will affect the condition of body weight.
According to a study conducted on sleep pattern research, it is known that someone who experiences sleep deprivation will be more at risk of developing diabetes and obesity.
In addition, the condition of the body that experiences a lack of sleep will also experience problems in regulating hunger because the hormones that have the function to control appetite cannot work perfectly.
Due to this condition, someone with sleep deprivation disorders will tend to crave more, especially at night.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average sleep required by adults aged 18-65 is 7-9 hours per night. Therefore, please try to sleep 7-9 hours every day.
6. Too much stress
Do you often feel stressed and depressed? One of the main reasons why so difficult to lose weight is we are dealing with stress. Stress is known to hinder weight loss efforts.
This happens because stress tends to trigger the body to produce more cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates hunger and increases appetite.
So if you experience stress and have difficulty managing your diet, please try to be more relaxed and start doing something that makes you less stressed. For example, you can do some activities with your hobbies or simply exercise to release your stress.
7. Not enough protein
You make a mistake if you think you can lose weight by consuming vegetables and fruit only. When you are on a weight loss diet program, the body needs more energy to keep burning calories daily.
And this is where protein intake is needed to trigger metabolic processes. At least our body needs a protein intake of around 25 to 30 percent to increase the metabolic processes by 80 -100 calories per day.
Consuming enough protein will help the body burn several hundred calories. In addition, based on research results, protein will make your stomach full faster, and consuming excessive food can be avoided.
Protein can suppress the ghrelin hormone, which has the function of regulating the feeling of hunger. So by consuming enough protein, you will feel full longer.
The best time to get your protein is during your breakfast. The results showed that people who ate a high-protein breakfast tended to feel full longer and snack less frequently.
8. Too much carbohydrate intake
Based on the results of a study, it is known that carbohydrates are high in calories. Therefore, they can trigger obesity.
This is because carbohydrates tend to have a high glycemic index level, so they will trigger inflammation and excessive fat production.
Therefore, for those who plan to lose weight, please avoid high-carbohydrate foods such as white rice, instant noodles, bread, pasta, cakes, potato chips, and fast food.
Instead, please consume more vegetables, fruits, and protein that support weight loss. Vegetables and fruits are also rich in nutrients and fiber that support a well-balanced body weight.
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